1. 入会金・月会費、全て無料!
2. 業界初!個人ユーザーの車両に、インターネットライブオークションで直接ご入札!
3. パソコン、スマートフォンが使える環境ならどこでも入札可能!
Rakuten Car Auction is a free application for used car dealers to participate in the Internet Auto Auction operated by Rakuten Car Co., Ltd.
Rakuten Car Co., Ltd. is a one-stop shop for buying used cars and auto auctions on the Internet, directly connecting sellers with used car dealers and overseas buyers.
By using this app, you can check and bid on new auction vehicles from your mobile device!
◆The three features of Rakuten Car Auction that improve cost performance
1. Enrollment fee and monthly fee are all free!
Since there is no fixed cost, you can participate in the auction without risk.
2. First in the industry! Bidding directly on an individual user's vehicle at an Internet live auction!
You can find many fresh used cars for individual users without incurring marketing costs.
3. You can bid anywhere where you can use a computer or smartphone!
Since you don't have to visit the auction site, you can reduce travel costs and time costs.
* In order to participate in the auto auction, you must separately submit an antique dealer license and a seal registration certificate.
~ Click here for online registration ~
Those wishing to participate in the auction: https://auction.auto.rakuten.co.jp/buyer/